To my beloved, you shall live in my heart forever

Sitting there alone on a hill, wind was cold bringing chill.
gazing out into the distance, my mind was calm held no resistance.

Then the tones of a voice, asking me to decide a choice.
was it to be it, that he could next to me sit.

It was the voice of male, his skin was blue not pale.
It said : the name of I, is Tyilin of Zorai

We sat there and talked, as time past us walked.
Night become day, yet it felt as time would stay.

Something was strange made me curious, how come my heart started to beat so furious.
A calm and sensed mind, yet close to him another beat it would find.

Could I really see, what I wished it to be.
What grew in my heart, of this he was a part.

Such time we had together, I will remember them forever.
How I still miss, the day we met for our first kiss.

Through out the lands, we ran together holding hands.
I hold them close as mine, the sunsets we viewed how they shine.

We met on a hill , that day you gave my heart such thrill.
On this hill your love and memories I will keep, from this day when you fell into eternal sleep.

To my dearly most loved Tyilin whom today closed his eyes and fell into the slumber of death.
You shall forver live in my heart.
